Scroll down for links to some medical presentations I have done over the years. They all follow the medical themes I’m the most passionate about and de facto end up specializing in. For instance, Trauma, Sport Medicine, Pain Management, Dermatology, Men’s Health, Post Operative recovery. I have included a presentation about Takotsubo cardiomyopathy because I treated a patient with a broken heart after the loss of a spouse. Also my presentation about adaptogens for endurance is based on my own research to maximize my own performance in ultra running races (> 100 miles) as well as Ironman triathlons. This research also led to formulating my best selling formula, Adapto Plus.


Finally, I am always available to present or write patient facing articles about similar subjects. I am on the Medical Advisory Board of Very Well Health. Additionally, I consider it my Public Health duty to serve as an educator as well as a clinician. And many patients came to my clinic because they found my expertise on this page. I will include my other fields of expertise: migraines and headaches, insomnia and anxiety. In the meanwhile, go read the blog posts about those subjects. Alternatively, schedule a consultation to see if I can help you. Be well and be safe.